We believe Christian education is mandated by God’s Word. As Christ is the center of our lives, He is the center of our child care center. We believe that each child is a unique individual of intrinsic worth, created in the image of God.
Our program is built around the concept that children are born ready to learn. As early childhood educators and caregivers, we strive to create a learning environment that is safe, stimulating, and encouraging. The following principles are taken from the PA Early Learning Standards and serve as the foundation for our curriculum:
- High-quality early care and education programs have a significant impact on children’s future successes.
All children can learn and deserve high expectations that are age, individually, and culturally appropriate.
Young children learn best when they are able to construct knowledge through meaningful play, active exploration of the environment, and thoughtfully planned activities.
The learning environment for young children should stimulate and engage their curiosity for the world around them and meet their physical and emotional needs so that they feel safe and secure.
Language and early literacy development must be supported and integrated throughout all aspects of early care and education.
Children’s learning development and opportunities are supported when their teachers are trained in early childhood development and are intentional in their relationships and work with children and families.
Early care and education programs must address the individual needs of a diverse population of children.
Children’s learning is enhanced when families, schools, and communities work together.